Make a gift to the cathedral

Join thousands of people who, over the centuries, have given what they can to make Durham Cathedral the amazing place it is today.

Be part of an international community

Durham itself may be a small city in northern England, but its reach is global.

The cathedral is precious to local people, but also to generations of students and visitors who take away memories to cherish. During the Covid-19 pandemic (2020-22), the cathedral touched the lives of people across the world through livestreamed worship and a new online Community of Prayer.

Supporters from across the world ensure that we continue sharing the cathedral internationally.

Gifts, of any size, may be made in US dollars, euros, Canadian dollars or Australian dollars. For the benefit of supporters in the USA, the cathedral is an approved partner of the British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF), a not-for-profit organisation supporting tax-efficient giving to the UK and the Commonwealth.

Make a gift from abroad Make a gift from the USA via BSUF

Contact us

The cathedral's Development team would love to hear from you to discuss your existing support or making a new gift. Email us at

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